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LINQ need primary key

what the fuck??
clipped from
Type: System.InvalidOperationException
Source: System.Data.Linq
TargetSite: Void Attach(T)
HelpLink: null
Stack: at System.Data.Linq.Table`1.Attach(T item)
at SqlServer.SqlContentProvider.SaveDocument(Document document) in E:\My Documents\Visual Studio Codename Orcas\Projects\SqlServer\SqlContentProvider.cs:line 53
at SimpleWiki.DAL.Tests.DocumentTests.TestInsertingDocument() in E:\My Documents\Visual Studio Codename Orcas\Projects\Tests\DocumentTests.cs:line 28

I thought I had everything correctly, however I forgot to set a primary key in the table, hence Linq was unable to do anything with the object.  So, lesson for the day Linq must have a Primary key for the table :).

 blog it

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